Tweedle-Dee & Tweedle-Dum
(a.k.a. Stephen & Dalton)
I'm not politically inclined and I didn't intend to make this a place to voice my political opinions, but, I've been going through a difficult readjustment period and I can't believe ~ what I see ~ around me. I wrote this letter (and mailed it) to the Prime Minister and Premier. I wonder if anyone will read it? Maybe you:
To The Prime Minister’s Office:
Over the past few years I’ve been watching news reports showing the Prime Minister and Premier involved with ethnic groups and presenting awards for their contribution to Canada.
From where I sit I think you have handed the Country over to the Immigrant Community. Add to this that the Government has a policy to hire minority groups. I wonder if you have come to realize yet that White Canadians are now a minority group and by not hiring us you have given the best jobs in the Country to Immigrants. I was at a baseball game on July 1st this year in Toronto at the Dome. It was a special event that day since it was Canada Day and they had a display of fireworks. The stadium was one third full and we were all white. I thought that this must be all the whites in the City of Toronto, instead no, there were many visitors from out of town and the U.S.A.
Over the past few years I’ve been watching news reports showing the Prime Minister and Premier involved with ethnic groups and presenting awards for their contribution to Canada.
From where I sit I think you have handed the Country over to the Immigrant Community. Add to this that the Government has a policy to hire minority groups. I wonder if you have come to realize yet that White Canadians are now a minority group and by not hiring us you have given the best jobs in the Country to Immigrants. I was at a baseball game on July 1st this year in Toronto at the Dome. It was a special event that day since it was Canada Day and they had a display of fireworks. The stadium was one third full and we were all white. I thought that this must be all the whites in the City of Toronto, instead no, there were many visitors from out of town and the U.S.A.
Recently I worked in a neighborhood where the residents wear their ethnic dress. I think this promotes racism. I don’t have one of those and I stick out like a sore thumb. I think they’re mocking us. Can’t I work somewhere else, after all I don’t live in these neighborhoods? That’s another story.
I understand that being part of the British Commonwealth we fall under the Monarchy and Canada has Christian rule. To quote a phrase from the New Testament, “Be a servant”. They know! Alright, if you insist I guess I’ll have to settle for that job pouring coffee at Starbucks even though I do have a College Diploma in Accounting. I should be so lucky to get that job! They’re in demand and, by the way, those cafes are owned by Immigrants.
I’m also from an Immigrant background. I remember growing up when we were singled out for having pierced ears. Now they pierce their ears ten times and all their other body parts including their genitals as this service is available at body piercing parlors. I also remember being asked to get off the bus several times when I was a child traveling with my sister and mother because the bus driver heard my mother NOT speaking English even though my mother made sure we sat at the back of the bus hoping the drivers wouldn’t hear her and we sat in silence. A few times we were not allowed on the bus because we didn’t look Canadian.
Things have gone the other way! You must think I’m a pensioned senior or a war veteran. No, I’m 46 years old and still have these memories of my childhood.
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