Thursday, December 28, 2006

I found this on a Blog "Comments" left by Joshua:

"Death comes at the wrong time. ~ Always. ~ And ten out of ten people die."

One of my favorites was passed on to me by my Grade 10 English teacher.

"One day we'll all be dead and nothing will matter."

I'll never forget that morning when I was 15 years old and she shared this with the class. It changed my outlook on life forever.

1 comment: said...

If that is a favorite verse of yours why do you teach your daughters? For it will matter, that is why you teach them. They are a legacy you leave behind and what you teach them will be passed onto the next generation and so on. What you do today matters for eternity.

Matthew 7:15
Beware of false prophets who come disguised as harmless sheep but are really vicous wolves.

God bless
